Kazunaga Nakashima
- a Japanese Mineral Glue Color Painter -
Atomosphere 1730 / 91 × 91cm, 36" 36" ☆
International Prix of Contemporary Art of Monte-Carlo 1989
Flare Paths / 116.7 × 91cm, 46" 36"
Biennale the grand prix of Japanese Painting the Central Art Museum 1988
& Salon D'Automne 1989
Silence / 116.7 × 80.3cm, 46" 32"
Salon D'Automne 1990
City Lights in Tokyo / 116.7 × 91cm, 46" 36"
Biennale the grand prix of Japanese Painting the Central Art Museum 1990
After Time / 116.7 × 91cm, 46" 36"
Seisai Group Show 1992
Landing Soon / 227.3 ×162.1cm, 90" 64"
Solo Exhibition at Ginza 1993
Coming Home / 364 ×182cm, 12' 6'
Seisai Group Show 1993 / the year of adaptation 1996
Early Morning / 162.1 ×130.3cm, 64" 51"
Salon D'Automne 1987 / the year of creation 1986
Spring Snow in my Home Town / 162.1 ×130.3cm, 64" 51"
Salon D'Automne 1988 / the year of creation 1987
A Snow Scene / 162.1 ×130.3cm 64" 51"
Solo Exhibition 2001 / the year of creation 1999
Creation / 260.6 × 53cm, 102" 20"
7 Reflections show 2002 / the year of creation 2001
A Torso on the H Steels / 100 ×100cm, 39" 39"
Salon D'Automne 1991
Vishu-nu / 193.9 ×130.3cm, 76" 51"
Seisai Group Show 1992
12 O'Clock High / 116.7 × 91cm, 46" 36" ☆
Salon D'Automne 1994
The Birth of Another Silk Road / 130.3 ×130.3cm, 51" 51" ☆
Biennale Euro du Grand Prix de Peinture ICSV 1995
A Passenger / 91 × 91cm, 36" 36"
Japanese Painting Exhibition at Ginza 2002
Along with the Planet / 227.3 ×162.1cm, 91" 64"
Seisai Group Show 1997
The 150 Seconds on the 3.11 / 116.7 × 91cm, 46" 36"
Art Capital (Grand Palais-Paris) 2011
East Wind / 116.7 × 91cm, 46" 36"
S. D. B. Exhibition 2000
Better for Tomorrow / 116.7 × 91cm, 46" 36"
Art Capital (Grand Palais-Paris) 2012
The Time Passing Slowly / 91 × 72.7cm, 36" 29"
Solo Exhibition at Ginza 1999 / the year of creation 1996
Belle-Ile / 182 ×182cm, 6' 6'
Seisai Group Show 2003
Landmarks in Carnac / 364 ×182cm, 12' 6'
Seisai Group Show 2004~05
A Milky Way / 364 ×182cm, 12' 6'
Solo Exhibition at Funabashi 2003
the Ohkido Cherry tree / 364 ×182cm, 12' 6'
Issui-Chiba Exhibition 2023
A Cherry Blossoms' Night / 116.7 × 91cm, 46" 36"
Art Capital (Grand Palais-Paris) 2020
Four Seasons of White Herons / 91 × 72.7cm, 36" 29" 4PCS ☆
Solo Exhibition at Nice, France 1986 / the year of creation 1985
Japanesque / 116.7 × 91cm, 46" 36" ☆
Art Capital (Grand Palais-Paris) 2013
The Feathers / 116.7 × 91cm, 46" 36"
Art Capital (Grand Palais-Paris 2014)
on Clouds / 116.7 × 116.7cm, 46" 46"
Solo Exhibition at Ginza 2015
The Green Eyes / 116.7 × 91cm, 46" 36"
Art Capital (Grand Palais-Paris 2018/ the year of creation 2017)
Stomy Clouds / 116.7 × 91cm, 46" 36"
Art Capital (Grand Palais-Paris 2019/ the year of creation 2018)
Gate to the Neutron / 162.1 × 130.3cm, 64" 51"
S. G. Exhibition 2019
Unknown / 116.7 × 91cm, 46" 36"
the year of creation 2020
Evaporates / 130.3 × 91cm, 51" 36"
the year of creation 2021 ~ Feb 10, 2022
Reconstruction drawing of the past Golden Castle/ 162.1 × 130.3cm, 64" 51"
the year of creation Jan 19. 2024
A Moonlight / 72.7 × 53cm, 29" 20" ☆
the year of creation 1991
The Blue of Chantilly / 91 × 72.7cm, 36" 29" ☆
the year of creation 2006
The Castle of Da Vinci / 65.2 × 50cm, 26" 19" ☆
the year of creation 2001
Aurora / 91 × 72.7cm, 36" 29" ☆
the year of creation 2008
- Awards -
Honorable Mention / 10th Toho Art Exhibition. Tokyo 1976 ☆
Silver Prize / Le Salon des Artistes Français. Paris, France 1981
(Medaille d'Argent)
Gold Prize / Le Salon des Artistes Français. Paris, France 1982 ☆
(Medaille d'Or)
Honorable Mention / 11th Debutante Prize of Ginza Bro Gallery. Tokyo 1985 ☆
Duke of Valverde Prize / International Prix of contemporary Art of Monte-Carlo 1989
(Prix Duc de Valverde d'Ayala Valva / Prix International D'Art Contemporain
de Monte-Carlo) ☆
Prize E / '92 Soho International Art Competition at Ariel Gallery N.Y.
U.S.A. 1991
Gold Prize / Academie International des Art Contemporain A.S.B.L. Belgium 2001
(Medaille d'Or Internationale / promotions 2001 )
Total 15 awards (included above)
- Exhibitions -
2021 and '19 Florence Biennal (digital exhibition) Italy
2021 free invites for the Artists in the World's event, Italy
2020 -'08 Art Capital (Grand Palais-Paris) France
2019 -'15 Art Expo Rome (Romana Art Gallery) Italy
2014 -'11 Exhibition SAM (Paris, Giverny and other)
2004 -'02 Internatonal day of Paintings(Peugeot Cultural Center, Paris)
2001 invites the Salon Dessin(Espace Eiffel Branly, Paris)
Biennale the grand prix of Japanese painting the Central Art Museum Tokyo.
Exhibition of Grand Prize of Ueno Royal Museum.
Solo Exhibition (N. Y., Paris, Nice France, Ginza Tokyo & other)
- Members -
Internatinal Association of Art / since 1999
Japan Artists Association inc / 〃 1999
(Sociétaire) Salon D' Automne / 〃 1991
(Sociétaire) Société des Artistes Français (M.O.) / 〃 1981
* Any reproduction in any form of any part of these homepages are forbidden
without permission.