H o m e   ・     ・  レポート    ・    ・     ・     ・  


 The 13th Florence Biennale held on October 23 to 31, 2021 at the Fortezza da Basso, Firenze, Italy.
 I joined the show a part of digital exhibition.
 Although, the biennale has a theme as above, I drew our recent uneasy problem such a COVID-19 situation or some other happing.




 The Grand Palais needs to get undergoing renovation for the venue indoor competition the Olympics Games Paris 2024,
 so this is a final exposition of ART CAPITAL at the Grand Palais.
 At the time, who could imagine the pandemic spread of the COVID-19 in France? you may have thought it would
 end with a bad story only China and Far East, I'm also.

 A memory, when I was able to move freely and enter some store without face mask revives on bright February 2020 n Paris.

 Hope! we'll get usual life someday..

 グランパレが、2024年に開催されるパリ-オリンピックの室内競技場として使用されるため、2020年の Art Capital が




 Participated in a digital exhibition as an annex to Florence Biennale 2019 between Oct 15 and 28 at the Hotel La Fortezza,
 Firenze (Florence) Italy.
The reception party of Art Screen held on October 22 to having a delegation of biennale direction and some jurys of biennale.
 They appreciated the quality of the artist's artworks.



 “S. G. exhibition 2019” was placed at the Ueno Royal Museum, Tokyo from April 1 to 7.
 The show's successfully within full bloom cherry blossoms as shown of the photo left above and the photo right
 is visitors watched and bought it some artwork of small format.

 2019年度 「写実画壇展」は、4月1日〜7日まで上野の森美術館に於いて開催されました。

YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=imEAVLt-5r0

 “Art Capital 2017” opened Feb 14 on just st. valentine's day. The exposition is an amazing the popular art event
 to have 12,000- visitors ,who loved fine art on the day as photos of above.
 My artwork installed very near the entrance of Grand Palais, Champs-Elysees. 
 I say many thanks Monsieur Gallais for his every arrangement.
 He is a new president of S.D.

 写真でお分かりのように、オープン初日だけで 12,000人の来場者がカウントされた“アール キャピタル 2017”です。

 YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BmVzspAPn7A

 “Art Expo Autumn Rome” the show's ran from November 5 to 18, 2016 at the Romana Art Gallery (Galleria Domus Romana)
 located between Fontana and Piazza di Spagna, where the major fun plaza for tourists in Rome.
 昨年より出品しているアート・エクスポ ローマ。今回は、トレビの泉とスペイン広場の中間にある ロマーナ・ギャラリーでの開催となりました。







 An anniversary the Seisai-Group Show is quarter century passed held at the Art Space Ryabina, July 22 to 27, 2014,
 Kita-Aoyama Tokyo.
 The opening reception 5pm to 9:30pm on the 22 Tuesday, a little bit more 100 people came and joined us,
 we all have a good time.
 (took a photo above an end of the installation program on 21 Monday)

 (上の写真は、オープニング前日の 21日に撮影されたものです。)

 24th Seisai-Group Show was hold at the Art Space Ryabina.
 The exhibition schduled June 9 to 14, and opening reception is 5pm to 10pm on the 9 Tuesday.
 I feel so happy to met such a young lovely girl wearing “Yukata (traditional our summer wear)” during the exhibi like photos.


 The Art Capital (Salon du Dessin 2012) much succeeded counted up to 15,000 visitors in the Grand Palais-Paris
 on the opening of November 27.
 The photo of left is an entrance of Grand Palais. Middle is the day of installation on Nov 26. Right is my artwork
 “Thinking for Tomorrow” (piece of left).

 It my 18th Solo Exhibition October 29 to November 4, 2012 at the Gallery Azuma, Ginza, Tokyo.
 Installed 18 new artworks dimension SM to 46" 36", those pieces produced after the catastrophe 3.11 2011.
 And then, I told myself, why am I continue to living at here, Japan ?
 My response is “Japan gives me a lot of nurishment in my mind.. Although, it something good or something wrong,
 this is my life.”

 18回目となる個展 (ギャラリーあづま 銀座にて)

 Pretty good party with the Linda Quartet an ensemble of the saxophones the day of my just 60 years old, in October 2010.
 They played my favorite songs such as “Clair de Lune” by Debussy, “The Planets” by Holst, and several another songs.
 I'd love to say thank you so much indeed for the Quartet.

 人生2度目の春・記念コンサート 2010年10月